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Chapter 13: Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

13.0 Introduction

Pluto, named after the Roman god of the underworld, is the largest member of the group of icy outer Solar System bodies that make up the distant Kuiper Belt. This asteroid-belt-like collection of objects lies beyond the orbit of Neptune. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, astronomers predicted a ninth planet beyond Neptune. Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930, by observing the movement of an object across pairs of images taken with an Arizona telescope. Upon discovery, Pluto was called the ninth planet. However, since 2006, considerable debate about whether Pluto is a real planet has ensued.

Until recently, very little was known about tiny Pluto except what could be determined from telescopic observations, with the best images coming from the Hubble Space Telescope. In July of 2015 that changed in dramatic fashion. The New Horizons spacecraft raced past Pluto, imaging one hemisphere in detail. The New Horizons images revealed a beautiful and geologically diverse world--to the complete surprise of all. The new images and data will fuel the study of Pluto for years to come and lead us to a better understanding of Pluto, other planets and moons, and the icy bodies of the outer Solar System.

13.1 Major Concepts

  1. Pluto is the smallest, coldest, and outermost planet(?). Some call it a dwarf planet, along with the asteroid Ceres and other Kuiper Belt Objects.
  2. Pluto and its largest moon Charon form a double-planet system with a strongly elliptical and highly inclined orbit. Pluto has four other small icy moons.
  3. Pluto is a geologically complex with several major terrains: (a) Tombaugh Regio, (b) Bladed terrain, (c) Upland terrains, (d) the Macula, and (e) the Polar regions
  4. Pluto's surface is dominated by ices of nitrogen and methane. It has a very thin atmosphere formed by the sublimation of these ices. The cycling of nitrogen and methane from the surface to the atmosphere and back forms a rudimentary volatile cycle. Water ice lies buried beneath this veneer.
  5. Pluto ranges from heavily cratered (4 billion years old) to crater-free (less than 10 million years old). It is also scarred by large, tectonically produced extensional fractures.
  6. Pluto has a large basin, perhaps formed by an ancient impact, that is now filled with nitrogen ice that flows as glaciers. Within the basin, this ice sheet undergoes solid state convection from solar heating.
  7. Pluto is a member of the Kuiper Belt, which consists of hundreds of small, icy objects orbiting between 30 and 50 AU, in a flattened disk. It is similar to an outer solar system asteroid belt

13.2 The Planet Pluto and the Kuiper Belt

Pluto's physical characteristics and features are different from any of the other planets we have seen so far (Table 13.1). Pluto is small, with a diameter (2,377 km) only 70% that of Earth's Moon. It is also 40 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. Pluto's orbit is highly elliptical and inclined to the ecliptic by 17° (Figure 13.2a and b). Only asteroids and comets have similarly inclined orbits. Moreover, Pluto's orbit is in a 2:3 resonance with Neptune. Pluto takes 248 Earth years to complete one orbit, and one day on Pluto is 6.4 Earth days. Pluto's spin axis is strongly tilted (120°); basically, it rolls along its long orbit around the Sun like Uranus (as seen in this video). The severe tilt can cause extreme seasonal changes, especially at the poles, which can experience arctic winter and arctic summer. Pluto's surface is covered by highly volatile ices of nitrogen, methane (like Neptune's moon Triton) and carbon monoxide; these ices sublime (vaporize) to form a thin atmosphere. The density of Pluto is 1.9 g/cm3, a result of the large proportions of ices that were present in the ancient accretion disk this far out from the Sun. Pluto's surface temperature ranges from 55 K (-218 °C) down to 32 K (-240 °C), or 32° above absolute zero - a very cold environment, indeed.

Figure 13.1 Pluto as seen by New Horizons in July of 2015. (A) A true color image of how Pluto would look to the naked eye. (B) A color enhanced image reveals a geologically diverse planet that has undergone many geologic processes, with some still continuing today. Perhaps the most spectacular part of the image is Sputnik Planitia, a basin filled with a large sheet of white nitrogen ice at the heart of Pluto. This image shows the location of the areas discussed in this chapter. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

Pluto and three other "dwarf planets" (Eris, Haumea, and Makemake, with several others proposed) are located in an area of the outer Solar System known as the Kuiper belt. This is a disk that spans from 30 AU (just beyond Neptune's orbit) to 50 AU from the Sun and is reminiscent of the asteroid belt, in that it contains small bodies of leftover material from the solar nebula. Because of its great distance from the Sun, the Kuiper belt contains planetary bodies rich in the volatile ices--water, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, and carbon monoxide, instead of being metal- and rock-rich like the objects in the asteroid belt. Study of Pluto gives us insight into the origin and evolution of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs).

Pluto's Orbit
Figure 13.2a Pluto's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical; for about 20 Earth years, Pluto is actually closer to the Sun than Neptune. The orbit is also highly inclined (17 degrees). Note the tilt of Pluto's spin axis, which creates strong seasonal changes. The sizes of the planets are not to scale, and Pluto is extra-large to show its spin axis. (Modified from Brown and Braselton, 2006).

Pluto's Orbit Video

Figure 13.2b Pluto's orbit, shown in yellow, is highly inclined compared to the orbits of the other planets.

Pluto's classification as a planet was questioned after the discovery of multiple Pluto-like bodies in the outer Solar System. This elicited the following "problem." Either there are many more planets than the traditional nine, or Pluto (and the newly discovered bodies) should not be considered to be a true planet. In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) revised the definition of planet to exclude Pluto, reclassifying Pluto as a "dwarf planet," by saying that a planet needs to a) be round, b) orbit the Sun, and c) clear its orbit. Although Pluto is round and orbits the Sun, it has not swept up all of the orbiting "debris" in its path. However, others disagree with this reclassification as a dwarf planet. Led by Alan Stern (who headed the New Horizons mission), a group of planetary scientists created a different definition: "A planet is a sub-stellar-mass body that has never undergone nuclear fusion and that has sufficient self-gravitation to assume a spheroidal shape... regardless of its orbital parameters." This definition indicates that a body is a planet if it is round and doesn't make its own internal energy. Debate of the definition of a planet, and Pluto's status as a planet, is still ongoing.

Pluto's small size and distance from the Sun have made it difficult to study. The arrival of New Horizons meant that our understanding went from a body of about 20 pixels across to a completely fleshed out picture of a planetary body with recent processes and a long and eventful geologic history. The New Horizons findings have helped us understand the formation and subsequent evolution of small, distant, icy bodies, which can be directly contrasted with the terrestrial planets

13.3 Pluto's Spin and Climate

Like the Earth, Pluto experiences seasons because of planet's axial tilt. Since Pluto has a much greater axial tilt (120°) than the Earth's (24°), the arctic and antarctic circles are much larger on Pluto, extending from nearly 30° north and south of the equator all the way to the pole, compared with just 66° on Earth (Figure 13.3). Strangely, at the height of Pluto's summer, the most direct sunlight is located within the arctic circle, not the mid-latitudes like we experience. Currently, Pluto's northern hemisphere is in the summer season, while the southern hemisphere is in winter and complete darkness. Presently, the direct and continuous sunlight on the northern hemisphere is causing nitrogen ice to sublime from the north pole and enter the atmosphere or freeze out on the cold south pole. The amount of sunlight each area on Pluto is receiving is a major contributor to the distribution of volatile ices on Pluto's surface.

Axial Tilt
Figure 13.3 Because of Pluto's extreme tilt, Pluto's arctic circle extends much farther south than Earth's (left). Presently, Pluto's north pole faces the Sun. This drives sublimation of nitrogen ice from the north pole into the atmosphere, where the nitrogen moves and recondenses on the cold, south pole. (Modified from MIT/Alissa Earle).

13.4 Pluto's Ices

Pluto's surface is composed of four primary ices (three of which are shown in Figure 13.4). The most prevalent ice is water ice (with traces of mixed in ammonia). Water ice was detected on the surface or just below (covered by a thin blanket of more volatile ices) by New Horizons in all major regions on Pluto, with the exceptions of Sputnik Planitia and the northern polar region. Similar to the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, water ice forms the lithosphere and "bedrock" of Pluto. It is by far the most abundant of all the ices, and based on Pluto's density, probably makes up almost 50% of the planet by volume. Of the four ices, only water ice is strong enough to build up topography without collapsing under its own weight. This means that all rugged mountains and mountain chains on Pluto are underlain by water ice, covered by a thin layer of more volatile ices. Just imagine looking out your window to stare at mountains 4-5 km high that are made completely of water ice instead of rock!

Pluto's Ices

Figure 13.4 The surface of Pluto is dominated by two main volatile ices with a third minor component represented by different colors on these maps. Methane, the second most common ice, is abundant everywhere except in the dark equatorial maculas. Nitrogen is mostly concentrated in the mid-latitudes and at low elevations where it is colder today. (Currently, the north pole is in its warmer summer season-if -218° C can be called warm). The minor component carbon monoxide dusts the entire surface lightly. All three ices are in high concentrations within the cold basin Sputnik Planitia. Water ice underlies these more volatile icy deposits. (Gladstone and others, 2016; NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

The remaining ices are nitrogen (N2), carbon monoxide (CO), and methane (CH4), listed in order of decreasing volatility. Some other physical characteristics of these ices are shown in Table 13.2. Consider how cold it must be on Pluto to have solid nitrogen -- the main atmospheric gas on Earth and Titan -- frozen onto the surface as an ice. The volatile ices cover most of the surface, so that the water ice bedrock does not peak through in many areas. Sputnik Planitia, a deep basin, has high concentrations of all of these ices, especially nitrogen. Because of Pluto's tilted spin axis,  Sputnik Planitia faces away from the Sun, and temperatures are low, stabilizing solid nitrogen. In contrast, the north polar region is enriched in methane and poor in nitrogen because it is more often directly facing the Sun, causing the more volatile ice (nitrogen) to sublime. Western Tombaugh Regio also has high concentrations of methane that have not been covered by tholins, or organic-rich material, that have fallen out of the atmosphere, most likely because it is colder at these higher elevations. Carbon monoxide is not abundant on Pluto, and only found in semi-high concentrations within Sputnik Planitia (Figure 13.4). These ices are surficial and are not a major part of Pluto's bulk composition.

13.5 The Atmosphere

We have mentioned the "atmosphere" of Pluto multiple times, but it is a very, very thin atmosphere with a pressure of less than 10 microbars (0.1% that of Earth's). Even at that low pressure, the molecules interact by colliding with one another, creating a gas that can flow in response to pressure and temperature differences-unlike the isolated molecules in the even more tenuous exospheres of the Galilean satellites or Mercury. Unexpectedly, there is evidence the atmosphere of Pluto is dense enough to transport ice particles and deposit them in sand dunes (Figure 13.7). Apparently, wind blows from the high al-Idrisi Montes down into the basin of Sputnik Planitia, carrying some of a dusting of methane "snow" that has fallen or condensed at the top of the montes. The methane sediment is then deposited as dunes on Sputnik Planitia.

The composition of Pluto's atmosphere is like the composition of the surface veneer. The atmosphere contains a lot of nitrogen with lesser methane, and some other hydrocarbons as well. The similarity in composition between the surface veneer and the atmosphere is a result of sublimation of the volatile ices. The surface temperature is so close to their sublimation point that small seasonal oscillations in temperature can cause the ices to sublime in one place and condense in others. Thus, these ices escape easily into the atmosphere that reflects the composition of the solid surface. This is quite different from Earth and many other planets where the volatile envelope bears little resemblance to the composition of the solids on the surface.

13.6 Geological Provinces

13.6.1 Circum-Sputnik Planitia

The surface of Pluto is covered by volatile ices that are deposited, eroded, and transported. Erosion of these ices has produced different provinces that most likely have formed by deposition and erosion of ice (including glacial flow) with small variations that create different morphologies (Figure 13.5).

Ice Morphology
Figure 13.5 Geologic processes on Pluto's ices have made a variety of distinctive land forms including (A) washboard terrain (cyan arrows point to some) and (B) various valley indented regions. The washboard terrain seems to be a deposit of volatile ice covering the surface; they may be wind-blown dunes or tectonic landforms. The dissected ices are the result of past valley formation by glacial erosion or, perhaps, even by temporary flows of liquid nitrogen. (Moore and others, 2016).

The washboard terrain lies directly west of al-Idrisi Montes (see Figure 13.1). It is made of parallel ridges and grooves with crest to crest distances of about 1 km. The ridges and grooves run from NE to SW; they are superposed on top of all impact craters showing they are quite young. The washboard appears to be a thin, regional deposit perhaps similar to dunes, or it could be the partially eroded remnants of a volatile ice deposit or features formed by tectonic or landslide processes.

One of the most amazing terrains on Pluto is the dissected terrain (Figure 13.5 bottom row). This terrain of sinuous and dendritic valleys was completely unexpected on this world where everything was thought to be frozen solid. Each valley is oriented downhill, suggesting something flowing incised into the ice. However, the valleys terminate into depressions with no obvious deposits. Here on Earth, even the ends of dry rivers have alluvial fan deposits. Did the material sublimate after being deposited? In some instances, smaller valleys merge into a larger valley, similar to feeder systems of rivers and glaciers on Earth. These valleys look to have been formed by erosive glacial activity of nitrogen ice, similar to the active valley glaciers seen in the Tombaugh Regio.

13.6.2 Tombaugh Regio: Pluto's Heart

Named after the discoverer of Pluto, Tombaugh Regio is a unique, heart-shaped region mostly north of Pluto's equator (Figure 13.1). The western half is a large basin, filled with a smooth, impact crater-free, nitrogen-ice ice sheet known as Sputnik Planitia. The eastern half is an upland of methane ice pitted by sublimation and cut by nitrogen glaciers. Sputnik Planitia

Sputnik Planitia is a broad basin 3-4 km deep and a thousand km across that forms the western half of Pluto's heart (Figure 13.6). The original depression may have formed by a major impact in Pluto's distant geologic past. Today, the basin is filled by a sheet of young, nitrogen-rich ice (see Figure 13.4). The bright ice sheet is broken up into polygonal shapes separated by 100 m deep trenches (Figure 13.6). The polygons are 20 to 40 km across, with the centers raised ~50 m above their margins. Within some of the polygons and along the margins, blocks of water ice appear to "floating" in the nitrogen ice. The diameter of the cells and the dimensions of the floating, water-ice mountains indicate the ice sheet is about 10 km thick. Below the ice, lies a thin region of the water ice lithosphere and perhaps an uplifted section of a liquid water layer.

Sputnik Planitia
Figure 13.6 Sputnik Planitia is the bright western half of heart-shaped Tombaugh Regio. It is a deep basin partially filled with a nitrogen ice sheet ~10 km thick. The sheet is broken up into many separate polygons that appear to be the surface expressions of separate convection cells. The western margin of Sputnik Planitia is surrounded by water ice montes, and the eastern part is bordered by the bright and irregular pitted uplands. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

These polygonal shapes were perhaps the most exciting discovery on Pluto. They are reminiscent of the tops of convection cells, such as might form on a boiling pot of thick tomato soup, but this sheet is solid (but weak), not liquid. There may be enough radiogenic heat to sustain solid state convection in this weak layer of nitrogen, or convection could be driven by cooling from a previously warmer climate. This convection produces the polygonal cells by warmer ice rising in the middle part of the cell (elevating the central cell) and cold ice sinking at the cell boundary troughs (Figure 13.7). There is nothing else like this in the entire solar system. Imagine standing on icy terrain convecting and spreading beneath your feet -hundreds of tiny "plates" growing and then "subducting" at the margins. Mathematical models conclude that each cell might overturn in 100,000 to 1,000,000 years-so some polygons might be spreading at the same rate as Earth's (much larger) tectonic plates move.

Convection and Dunes

Figure 13.7 On Sputnik Planitia, each polygonal cell forms by convection as warm nitrogen ice rises at the center, reaches the surface, and flows laterally as it cools, ultimately diving back into the interior of the ice sheet. The energy that drives this convection is thought be radiogenic heat or solar heating. The black lines mark some of the many, unexpected, eolian dunes. The "sand" probably comes from methane ice that precipitates on top of al-Idrisi Montes and is then blown off the mountain, and on to the floor of Sputnik Planitia. These dunes were, in part, discovered by BYU geologist Dr. Jani Radebaugh. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

Sputnik Planitia's western and southern regions are surrounded by Montes (mountains) rich in methane (CH4) ice, quite different from the nitrogen ice that fills the basin (Figure 13.1 and 13.4). However, on Pluto, solid methane is weak and unable to support the topography of a mountain without flowing and deforming under its own weight. On the other hand, water ice is common on Pluto, as indicated by its density, and is strong enough to support topography at such low temperatures; at Pluto's low surface temperature water ice is basically as strong as silicate rock on Earth. Consequently, the methane is most likely a thin veneer covering water ice mountains. One of the most notable mountain regions is the al-Idrisi Montes, on the northwestern edge of Sputnik Planitia (Figure 13.1). It has randomly oriented blocks of ice that are an amazing 5 km high and 40 km across. They form a rough chain of mountains extending for 100s of km (Figure 13.8). For perspective, Earth's Tibetan Plateau rises about 5 km above the plains of India and Valles Marineris on Mars is about 7 km deep. The blocks of al-Idrisi have flat or gently sloping upper surfaces with a series of irregular knobs that are like features in the surrounding terrain. This suggests the blocks broke away from the highlands to the west and slid chaotically into the lower basin.

al-Idrisi Mons

Figure 13.8 al-Idrisi Montes is a jumbled mass of water ice blocks on the edge of Sputnik Planum. These blocks appear to have slid from the west as large landslides, down into the basin. The blocks are currently covered with a dusting of methane ice and tholins. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute). The pitted highlands: Eastern Tombaugh Regio

The eastern pitted highlands extend 4 km above Sputnik Planitia and are very different from the western lobe of Tombaugh Regio. It is a heavily pitted upland or highland terrain (Figure 13.9). The highlands composition is different than Sputnik's; methane is the dominant ice with lesser nitrogen and carbon monoxide (Figure 13.4). Individual pits cover the highlands and range in diameter from a few km to 25 km across. The floors of the pits may be smooth soft, deformable nitrogen ice. Smooth plains stretch between multiple pits and are up to 50 km wide.

Pitted uplands/glaciers
Figure 13.9 The Pitted Uplands are the eastern part of Tombaugh Regio. They have a large number of pits and sublimation features (on the right of each image) etched into nitrogen ice as well as active glacial systems made of flowing nitrogen ice. The glaciers are outlined by dark sinuous lines (moraines), and originate from the Pitted Uplands and flow west into Sputnik Planitia. Image (A) shows glacial valleys with flowing nitrogen ice. Image (B) shows a glacier flowing out onto the basin. The black arrows show the glacier's flow direction. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

The uplands may have originally been a thick smooth deposit of methane ice mixed with nitrogen. As the more volatile nitrogen vaporized it eroded the highlands during the last/current "interglacial period" (warmer climate) in the region.

The expectation that Pluto's surface was geologically "dead" was shattered by the discovery of active glaciation around and within Sputnik Planitia. Valley glaciers originate in the uplands, west of Sputnik Planitia, and flow down into the basin enlarging some of the troughs formed by sublimation. The tongues of glacial ice are outlined by medial and marginal moraines that show up as darker streaks in the elongate lobes-just like terrestrial glaciers (Figure 13.9). But these glaciers are not flowing masses of water ice-instead they are made of nitrogen ice which is weak and can flow even at the low temperature of Pluto's surface.

Sublimation is a commonly occurring process on Pluto that drives the formation of innumerable observed pits. These pits can be seen across most of Pluto's surface, with obvious pits in the pitted uplands (previously described) and on the plains of Sputnik Planitia (Figure 13.10). They form in nitrogen-rich ice, the most volatile and therefore the easiest to sublimate. We can best envision how they form by examining those on Sputnik Planitia, where the pits are small and shallow, only 10s of meters deep. In some locations, the patterns of pits show they form along anisotropies in the ice (flow margins, fractures, or compositional differences in the ice). As sublimation continues, the pits grow and merge leaving rough residual highlands between troughs. In the pitted uplands, the pits are much deeper (up to 2 km), irregular, and large than on Sputnik Planitia (Figure 13.9). They appear to have grown and merged with one another much more extensively than on Sputnik, implying the process has been going on for a much longer time than on the youthful Sputnik Planitia.

Figure 13.10 Sublimation pits are common on the surface of Pluto. These pits form in nitrogen-rich ice as it sublimes into the atmosphere. The pits vary greatly in diameter and shape. Some are small (a couple kilometers across) others are large (upwards of 25 km across). Some pits are nearly circular, while others are elongate, and some form as individual pits but many form long chains of pits. Look at the image carefully to see that these are pits and not domes and ridges. The Sun is shining from the upper left, so the dark shadows are on the left side of the pits. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

13.6.3 Bladed Terrain: Tartarus Dorsa

East of the pitted uplands is Tartarus Dorsa (Figure 13.1), which is made of several broad swells that are covered with N-S oriented, blade-shaped ridges with long narrow valleys between them (Figure 13.11). This region has been named Tartarus Dorsa. (In Greek mythology, tartarus was the deep abyss used as a dungeon for tormenting the wicked and a prison for the Titans; dorsa means back or top.) The steep-sided ridges are several hundred meters high and 5-10 km apart. These blades are located near the equator and are made mostly of methane ice. The blades (called penitentes on Earth where they form in snow) are probably a result of sublimation and wall collapse, forming elongate depressions that face the Sun and spires of non-sublimated ice, but some have suggested formation by preferential deposition of ice. The consistent orientation of the blades suggests there is a factor that determines the orientation, such as solar illumination, wind direction, or a regional fracture network.

Bladed Terrain
Figure 13.11 Tartarus Dorsa, also known as the bladed terrain, has several large swells with blade-like ridges on top. These blades are penitentes (elongate and thin blades of hardened snow), but much larger than Earth's. The blades are oriented N-S, shaped by solar insolation and atmospheric circulation. The blades form by preferential deposition of methane ice or sublimation of thick methane ice deposits. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

13.6.4 The Macula: The Dark Terrains

The large dark equatorial region on Pluto is named Cthulhu Macula (Figure 13.1). An underlying topography can be seen beneath the dark reddish material indicating the reddish coloration comes from a thin, laterally extensive deposit on a pre-existing cratered landscape. The thin material is most likely a result of tholin deposition. We first encountered tholins on Saturn's large moon, Titan. They are aggregates of small, solid, organic (carbon-rich) particles precipitated in the atmosphere after photochemical reactions 500 km above the surface split apart methane. Aggregates of these reddish tholins produce thin layers of haze that extend up to 200 km into Pluto's atmosphere (Figure 13.12). The tholins then fall to the surface and have mantled Cthulhu Macula. Tholins are relatively refractory (compared to the volatile ices) and are concentrated along Pluto's equator where solar insolation is higher, resulting in instability and sublimation of volatile ices. Tholins precipitate globally on Pluto, but are diluted by the deposition of nitrogen, methane, and/or carbon monoxide ice everywhere but the equator (Figure 13.1 and 13.4).

Figure 13.12 Haze layers extend 200 km above the surface of Pluto. The haze is made of tiny solid particles called tholins that form by photochemical changes in gaseous methane and nitrogen. These tholins fall down to the surface and collect in a dark reddish equatorial band, including Cthulhu Macula (Figure 13.1). (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

13.6.5 Polar Regions

The northern polar region of Pluto has been named Lowell Regio (Figure 13.1). Because of its location, Lowell Regio experiences long periods of darkness (winter) and light (summer). These long periods of continual sunlight (or absence of it) cause fluctuations in the temperature at this location that determine if there will be net deposition or sublimation of volatiles. During the winter volatile ices are deposited and during the polar summer the ices sublimate. This creates a seasonal transfer of volatiles and ice back and forth from pole to pole.

13.7 Impact Craters

Even though New Horizons only mapped about 40 percent of Pluto's surface, over 5000 impact craters have been identified (Figure 13.13). However, impact crater frequency varies greatly across the surface. Some areas have crater abundances consistent with formation before the Late Heavy Bombardment, while other areas have no identifiable impact craters, suggesting the surface is younger than 10 million years old. The upland plains north and west of Sputnik Planitia are quite heavily cratered and are the oldest terrains of Pluto, with an age of about 4 billion years. In contrast, Sputnik Planitia is the youngest terrain seen on Pluto. No identifiable impact craters are observed on the ice sheet, probably because of the quick overturn of the convection cells. Any crater that impacts the nitrogen ice sheet would be obliterated within 500,000 years. While much of the surface is ancient (around 4 billion years old), Pluto also has enough heat to be geologically active in some places.

Figure 13.13 Impact crater frequency varies with location on Pluto. Most of Pluto is very heavily cratered and indicates a surface age of 3.9 billion years old. Sputnik Planitia is an exception, with no identified impact craters marring the surface, indicating a very young age, and possibly, presently active processes. Mid-latitude areas with low crater abundances were not imaged at a resolution sufficient to see craters, and the projection has "spread out" the craters near the north pole so that they seem farther apart than they really are. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

The morphologies of impact craters on Pluto are very similar to those on other icy planetary bodies; with small and simple craters being bowl-shaped, and larger craters having central uplifts. The largest impact crater, Burney (named after the 11-year-old schoolgirl who suggested the name "Pluto" for the planet Clyde Tombaugh discovered), is 220 km across. No large multiring features like those on Ganymede or Callisto have been found on the imaged hemisphere. The ejecta of plutonian craters is hard to discern because it is mostly buried by young ice deposits. Many of the crater floors are dark red, which could be tholins once buried by nitrogen and methane ice, that have been excavated by impact.

13.8 Tectonic Features

Pluto's surface is riddled with extensional tectonic features (Figure 13.14). These include numerous belts of aligned and arcuate troughs that are several hundred kilometers long and a few kilometers deep. They are interpreted to be grabens or rifts bounded by steep normal faults. These fractures branch from and into others, cutting across preexisting landforms and terrains. The tectonic features are variably degraded indicating deformation occurred over a long period of time. For example, Virgil Fossa contains unbroken rift segments up to 200 km long, the eastern end cuts across a large impact crater, while the western edge branches out into many segments (Figure 13.14c). In many ways, the extensional features are similar to those on the moons of Uranus and Saturn, but they are not as complex as the grooved terrain of Ganymede or highly fractured Europa. Importantly, no compressional tectonic features have been identified on Pluto.

Tectonic features
Figure 13.14 Extensional tectonic features are seen all over Pluto's surface. The features can extend for hundreds of kilometers and have a few kilometers of relief. Many cut across impact craters while others have craters superposed on the fractures, indicating the wide range of time that Pluto has been undergoing tectonic cracking. All of the fractures are extensional, and no contractional tectonic features have been seen on Pluto, consistent with the freezing and expansion of a subsurface ocean to stretch the surface layers. (Moore and others, 2016; NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute)

The mechanism of formation for these extensional features is conceptually simple. Early in Pluto's history, most of the water inside Pluto was liquid. As time passed, Pluto lost its internal heat leading to the freezing of the liquid water into ice. Freezing occurred from the top downward. The phase change from liquid water to ice water decreases its density causing expansion during freezing. On a global scale, this freezing and expansion of the subsurface ocean produced extensional stresses at the surface of Pluto and created extensional fractures. The lack of contractional features shows that Pluto did not contract during cooling like the silicate dominated inner planets (for example Mercury).

13.9 Volcanic Features

Because volcanoes are windows into a planet's deep interior that reveal how hot it might be at different times in a planet's history, it is important to find and study volcanic features on other planets. Two possible cryovolcanoes have been identified in the southern hemisphere of Pluto and may give a glimpse into Pluto's interior. In general, these features are large mounds with central depressions. Wright Mons is most morphologically like a cryovolcano (Figure 13.15). It is 3-4 km high and 150 km in diameter and has a central depression that is 5 km deep with concentric rings surrounding the depression. This feature appears to be constructional, made of a series of flows followed by retreat of magma and collapse at the vent. There are very few impact craters on this mound, indicating a young eruption age. The height suggests that it must be made out of materials stronger than nitrogen or methane ice, which flow readily. Most likely, the construct is made of water ice coated by thin deposits other ices. Maybe cryomagma formed in an anomalously warm region of the interior and rose through fractures in the water-ice lithosphere to erupt on the surface. Alternatively, ammonia-rich ice melts at a lower temperature than water ice and could have allowed the creation of cryomagma. But why would it be warmer or compositionally different just in a few places? Do icy plumes reflecting subsurface convection play a role here?

Wright Mons
Figure 13.15 Wright Mons is a large mound with a central depression that has been interpreted as a cryovolcano. The sparsity of impact craters suggests a young age. Liquid water lava may have flowed from multiple vents in producing ridges and lobes. The summit crater is surrounded by concentric fractures and probably formed by collapse as cryomagma was withdrawn (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute PIA20155).

13.10 Pluto's Internal Structure

The internal structure of Pluto is similar to the icy moons of the outer planets and probably other Kuiper Belt Objects as well. Pluto's density is 1.9 g/cm3 indicating it is a mix of dense silicates and metals as well as low density ice. It is most likely partially differentiated with a rocky core, a liquid water layer, a water-ice mantle, and a surface veneer of volatile ices (Figure 13.16).

Internal Structure

Figure 13.16 The internal structure of Pluto is dominated by a large rocky core surrounded by a subsurface ocean of liquid water, and a thick water-ice mantle. Charon has a similar internal structure with the absence of a subsurface ocean. Neither world is thought to have a metal core. Pluto is so small accretion did not produce enough heat to melt refractory metal and allow it to separate from silicates, but it did produce enough heat to melt ice and allow the melt to separate from ice. (Modified from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)

Pluto's core is thought to be 1700 km across, about 70% of Pluto's diameter. The core is probably made of dense silicate rock mixed with some metal. An iron core is unlikely because there may not have been enough refractory metal or enough early accretionary heat to differentiate a metal core from a rocky mantle.

Pluto probably has lower concentrations of radioactive elements than the terrestrial planets; these elements (potassium, uranium, and thorium) condense with silicates rather than in volatile ices. But Pluto must have some radioactive elements concentrated within its rocky core. Perhaps the decay of these elements, or tidal heating, produced enough heat to allow tectonic features to form in a thin, weak lithosphere, form the young cryovolcanoes, and maintain a liquid water layer in contact with the core.

The location of Sputnik Planitia, in regard to its axial tilt, and computer models show Pluto's rocky core is probably surrounded by a layer of liquid water at least 100 km thick below an outer layer of solid water ice. Early in Pluto's history, the liquid water layer was most likely thicker and as Pluto cooled, the liquid water froze, creating a water ice lithosphere that increased in thickness at the expense of the liquid layer. At some point in the future, all the liquid water will be completely frozen.

The outer 200 km are made of a water-ice crust (essentially a rigid lithosphere) capped by the highly volatile surface ices of varying thicknesses. The veneer of ices is composed mostly of nitrogen and methane with lesser amounts of carbon monoxide. Nitrogen is the most volatile ice and tends to concentrate in the coldest locations, such as Sputnik Planitia and the pole experiencing winter (the south pole currently; but we have no images from the south--it not illuminated when New Horizons flew by in 2015; Figures 13.1). Methane is widely distributed, concentrated in the Lowell Regio and the equator (especially in Tartarus Dorsa and the tops of al-Idrisi Montes), but is patchy at the mid-northern latitudes (Figure 13.4). Carbon monoxide is not as common on Pluto as the other ices but is found in high concentrations in the low elevation Sputnik Planitia, along with the other ices. In fact, the Sputnik Planitia basin appears to be a cold trap, becoming a storage location of all the ices as vapors move to low elevations in the thin atmosphere and then condense as solids (Figure 13.4).

Pluto has a low pressure (0.1% of Earth's), nitrogen and methane-rich atmosphere (reminiscent of the volatile surface ices). This atmosphere is sustained by the sublimation of nitrogen and methane ice. In this way, the evolution of the atmosphere and surface ices are tied together.

13.11 The Moons of Pluto

Pluto has 5 moons that have been discovered thus far (2018): Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra (Figure 13.17). Charon (named after Pluto's ferryman) is the largest and closest of the 5 moons. Fortunately, New Horizons was able to collect high-resolution images and other data for Charon, and some things were also learned about the four smaller moons.

Moons of Pluto
Figure 13.17 Pluto has five known moons, the four smallest are shown here. The moons are small, porous, and have elongate shapes. The moons are only a few tens of kilometers across and not large enough to become spherical by gravitational deformation. Pluto's moons are named after Styx (the river of the underworld), Nyx (greek goddess of the night), Kerberos (the hound of Pluto), and Hydra (the many headed serpent). (Weaver and others, 2016 and NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

Charon is 1212 km in diameter (about half the size of Pluto) with a slightly lower density than Pluto of 1.7 g/cm3 because of Charon's thick water ice mantle and presence of ammonia ice at the surface. The moon is divided into three main regions that are the result of different processes (Figure 13.18). Charon's northern and southern hemispheres are divided by large, equatorial chasms that span the globe, made of two interconnected rifts. Serenity Chasma is 50 km wide and 5 km deep and Mandjet Chasma has the same width but is 2 km deeper (7 km). Another, separate chasm, Argo Chasma, is 690 km long and 5 km deep. North of the first two chasms lies Oz Terra, a tectonically disrupted terrain with scarps, angular fault-bounded crustal blocks, depressions, and ridges. The crater frequency shows the surface is more than about 4 billion years old. These extensional tectonic features must have formed by the same mechanism as those on Pluto--the freezing of an interior liquid layer causing expansion of the globe.

Figure 13.18 Charon, Pluto's largest moon, is not as geologically diverse as its parent, but had a geologically active past. Oz Terra is very broken up by tectonic features. Large fault-bounded chasms encircle the equator, produced by extensional tectonism. Vulcan Planum is younger than Oz Terra and was probably resurfaced by cryovolcanic activity. The color of reddish Modor Macula is thought to be due to tholins produced on Pluto which then escaped and aggregated onto Charon's polar regions. (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute PIA19968).

Mordor Macula, Charon's north polar region, is covered with dark red material, similar to Cthulhu Macula on Pluto (Mordor was the Dark Land in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.) The material gets darker with increasing latitude, presumably because the deposit gets thicker. The polar location and dark red color indicate emplacement by seasonal deposition/trapping and then alteration of methane in what may originally have been a large impact basin. Right now, the north polar region of Charon is in the middle of a 150-year-long summer season, while the south pole is in winter (Charon faces Pluto and shares the same orbital tilt). Amazingly, the red material may not come from Charon at all, but instead it traversed thousands of kilometers from Pluto to fall on Charon. These volatiles are probably derived from Pluto by sublimation of methane ice that then escapes from Pluto's atmosphere and makes its way to Charon. The methane is then deposited on the pole experiencing winter. As the pole moves into the Sun the methane reacts with the radiation and becomes refractory, making tholins in the atmospheres of Pluto and Titan.

The southern hemisphere, called Vulcan Planum, is not as broken up as the northern hemisphere. It is made of smoother plains with fields of small hills 2-3 km in width, and moated mountains, which may be of cryovolcanic origin (Figure 13.19). The crater density of Vulcan Planum is slightly less than Oz Terra indicating a younger surface that may have been cryovolcanically resurfaced.

Moated Mountain
Figure 13.19 Kubrick Mons is a mountain encircled by a narrow moat on Charon's Vulcan Planum. It is 20 km in diameter, 3 km high, and surrounded by a 2 km deep moat. The moated mountains are thought to be cryovolcanic in origin and are part of the thermal event that resurfaced Vulcan Planum (NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute).

Not much is known about the other moons of Pluto. They orbit Pluto at a greater distance than Charon and are much smaller, ranging from 10 to 37 km across. They are bright, porous, undifferentiated bodies that did not become large enough to become spherical. They all have nearly circular orbits but chaotic, nonsynchronous rotations; they are not tidally locked with one face toward Pluto. Because of these irregularities, it is speculated that they are giant hunks of ice ejected from Pluto in some past impact event, perhaps during the event that formed the Pluto-Charon system.

13.12 Geologic Evolution of Pluto (and Charon)

Pluto condensed far from the Sun where nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide were stable, and it accreted from these ices and silicates; however, there was not enough material to create a large planetary body like Saturn or even Neptune. Charon and Pluto's other moons may have accreted from material that was orbiting Pluto. Alternatively, a more dramatic event may have created the moons. Soon after accretion, when Pluto had begun to differentiate, it could have been hit by a large body. This scattered proto-Pluto and the impactor into many pieces that then reaccreted to form Pluto, Charon, and the other small moons, similar to the impact that formed the Earth's Moon.

Just as interesting as the formation of Pluto's moons is the evolution of this planet's orbit. Initially the orbit and axial tilt of the plutonian system may have looked like any other planetary system. However, the Gas Giant bullies changed Pluto's orbit forever. As the Gas Giants migrated outward from the Sun (the event that may have initiated the Late Heavy Bombardment), they may have gravitationally pushed Pluto onto its side and forced it to roll around the Sun in an elongated and inclined orbit. Or perhaps the collisional event that formed Charon also imparted a skewed inclination to the planetary bodies.

Thermal History

Figure 13.20 The thermal history of Pluto started with accretion of frigid ice (water, methane, and nitrogen) and silicates in the distant reaches of the disk of debris around the ancient Sun. Early on, accretionary and radiogenic heat allowed dense silicate rock to separate from ice and sink to the core. Part of the water ice mantle also melted and created a layer of liquid water above the rocky core. The creation of this liquid water shell may have led to contractional tectonics (since liquid water is denser than water ice) though there are no contractional features (perhaps they were erased by later cryovolcanism and extensional tectonics). As Pluto lost its heat, the liquid water began to freeze and formed a thicker icy lithosphere; this led to a change in tectonic regime. As the ice froze and expanded, extensional tectonism dominated. Today, Pluto may still have a 100 km thick liquid water layer, and as it continues to freeze, Pluto will keep experiencing extensional tectonics.

Regardless of how Pluto and its moons formed, the thermal and geologic history of Pluto is similar to other icy bodies (Figures 13.20 and 13.21). Pluto differentiated quickly, with dense rocky materials sinking to the center of the planet within thousands of years. Soon after differentiation, the outermost part of Pluto began to freeze as water ice. Concurrent with cooling, Pluto degassed, releasing volatile gases that formed an atmosphere. Some of these volatiles (nitrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide) condensed onto the surface as ices. As Pluto continued to cool and the lithosphere continued to thicken, a large impactor hit Pluto, forming the basin called Sputnik Planitia. Volatiles accumulated in the low, cold basin, freezing out to form a vast, nitrogen ice sheet with peripheral glaciers. As Pluto outgassed and impacts occurred, the planet continued to cool, its water ice lithosphere thickening at the expense of a subsurface liquid water layer. With continual freezing, the water ice lithosphere expanded, producing long extensional tectonic grabens and fractures. However, Pluto is not completely frozen yet, and still has enough heat to sustain a 100 km thick liquid water layer, local cryovolcanoes, and tectonic activity. One day the heat will run out and Pluto will be a completely frozen planet, like Charon. Then only geologic processes related to the atmosphere (dunes and bladed terrain), sunlight (sublimation, deposition, tholin production), and light impact cratering will occur.

Geologic History of Pluto

Figure 13.21 (A) Pluto formed by accretion of silicate- and ice-rich materials (gray and blue respectively) in the cold outer Solar System. (B) The density differences of these materials led to differentiation, with silicates sinking to the center and liquid water rising to the top and freezing. Outgassing of Pluto's volatile elements accompanied this differentiation and covered the surface with nitrogen and methane ice. With the formation of an atmosphere, the nitrogen and methane reacted with sunlight to make tholins that settled to the surface and created the reddish band along Pluto's equator. (C) After differentiation a large object impacted Pluto, producing an enormous basin Sputnik Planitia. Concurrently, the liquid water froze, thickening Pluto's water ice lithosphere and expanding Pluto's surface generating extensional fractures. (D) Presently, Sputnik Planitia has filled with volatile ices making a sheet of ice. Pluto's water ice lithosphere continues to thicken at the expense of liquid water, elongating and forming extensional fractures across the surface. Within a billion years or so, all of Pluto's liquid water will be exhausted and tectonics will cease (Modified from James T. Keane, 2016, Nature).

13.13 The Kuiper Belt

The Kuiper Belt lies in the distant outer solar system and is composed of small planetary bodies called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), of which Pluto was the first to be discovered (Figure 13.22). The Kuiper Belt extends from about 30 AU (near the orbit of Neptune) to 50 AU from the Sun and is shaped like a large donut (Figure 13.22). Millions of small (Pluto being the largest), diversely shaped, and icy bodies are probably located there. Very few specifics are known about KBOs; however, telescopic observations of some KBOs (including Eris), the flyby of Pluto, and of newly discovered Arrokoth have given important insights regarding the formation and evolution of the Kuiper Belt.

Kuiper Belt
Figure 13.22 The Kuiper belt is the donut shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune. Millions of small icy bodies reside within the Kuiper Belt. Some have very elliptical and eccentric orbits, such as Pluto, while others orbit the Sun in the plane of the ecliptic. The red line shows the orbit of one Kuiper belt object. Also shown are the asteroid belt and the Oort cloud which also contain many small bodies that orbit the Sun. (Jedimaster Wikimedia).

The formation of the Kuiper Belt started with the condensation of gases into ices (including water, methane, and ammonia) along with various amounts of silicate rock in the region near Neptune. Accretion of these materials followed condensation but was never completed. Like the asteroid belt, the Kuiper Belt is an area of failed accretion, a result of the interfering gravity of Neptune keeping these icy materials from growing into one large planet. Soon after the formation of the KBOs, changes in the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn perturbed the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, causing the two ice giants to move farther away from the Sun. The change in Neptune’s orbit gravitationally scattered many of the KBOs into their present positions, while some moved into the Oort cloud and others were completely ejected from the Solar System.

Following its flyby of Pluto, New Horizons buzzed past tiny Arrokoth in 2019. It turns out to be complex assemblage of bodies (Figure 13.23). After a “gentle” low-velocity collision between the two lobes, Arrokoth stuck together as a single spinning body. Because the bodies did not destroy each other, the collision may have been like slow parking lot accident with two cars. The larger walnut-shaped part is itself a composite of building blocks brought together by accretion. A bright ring marks the contact between the two bodies; it may be composed of small fragments that rolled down into the suture. Several large and small craters dot the surface but appear to lack ejecta and blocky rims. The largest are likely to be impact craters, but the small aligned pits on its edge may be from volatile release and collapse. Tholins (like those formed on Pluto and Charon) derived from solar radiation on methane ice probably give Arrokoth its reddish color. Water ice and methanol have also been detected on the surface and there is probably ammonia as well. These are exactly what we would expect in the far distant reaches of the Solar System where low temperature ices dominate.

Ultima Thule
Figure 13.23 Arrokoth is a small Kuiper Belt object orbiting the Sun beyond Pluto. It is made of two lobes, a smaller "walnut" and a larger "pancake." The two conjoined lobes indicate Arrokoth used to be two separate bodies that stuck together after a gentle, slow-speed collision. (NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI/Thomas Appéré).

13.14 Conclusions

The expectation of Pluto being geologically dead was summarized nicely by Nimmo and Spencer (2015): "Pluto does not experience significant tidal heating and is predicted to show no signs of recent resurfacing". However, New Horizons showed an active Pluto with many geologic features we have seen on other planets and icy moons--especially Neptune's Triton and Saturn's Titan. These include impact craters, tectonic scarps, and cryovolcanoes. But the variety of volatile ices (methane, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide) leads to the most rapid surface changes and produces many familiar and unfamiliar, even exotic surface features.

Pluto has a rocky inner core that makes up 2/3 of the planet's diameter, surrounded by a liquid water layer, a water-ice mantle, and a dusting of nitrogen and methane ices. Most of Pluto's surface is dotted with impact craters and surfaces that date back to 4 billion years ago. However, the basin of Sputnik Planitia is very young with its convecting nitrogen-rich ice sheet. Active glacial flow from the pitted uplands into Sputnik Planitia occurs today and valleys show evidence of past glaciation in other locations.

Sublimation and deposition of volatile ices and wind-blown deposition are the dominant geologic process on Pluto today, forming pits, penitentes, and dunes across the surface. Extensional features show rift tectonics dominated Pluto's history penultimate history, most likely caused by the freezing of a liquid water layer. Constructional mounds in the southern hemisphere may be evidence for recent past cryovolcanism where water lava erupted onto the surface. The unexpected geologic activity on Pluto has important implications for how long it takes icy planetary bodies to cool, how the Sun can affect planetary surfaces, and how long bodies are geologically active. Continued study of Pluto and the geologic processes acting on the planetary body will give more insight into how icy planets form and evolve and will show important contrasts with terrestrial planetary evolution.

13.15 Review Questions

  1. Why was Pluto demoted from the class of planets by the International Astronomical Union? On the other hand, can you justify reclassifying Pluto as a planet again?
  2. What are the unique aspects of Pluto's orbit?
  3. Outline the major differences and similarities between Pluto and Neptune's moon Triton. Consider their sizes, atmospheric compositions, internal structures, surface features, relative ages, surface temperatures, and distances from the Sun.
  4. What does the density of Pluto imply about its composition? What are the major ices that have been identified on its surface?
  5. What kind of an atmosphere does Pluto have?
  6. Why isn't Pluto just a cratered ball of ice like many of the icy satellites of the outer planets?
  7. Explain the composition and formation of the white plains of Sputnik Planum. Contrast its composition with that of the mountains of Pluto.
  8. What types of tectonic features can you find on Pluto? Or on Charon?
  9. How do the distinctive dark regions on Charon's poles form?
  10. Make a graph to compare the diameters and densities of Pluto and Charon to other planetary bodies in the solar system. Include the terrestrial planets, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and a few asteroids on your graph. Explain any apparent groups.
  11. What is the Kuiper Belt? What kinds of bodies have we found there?

13.16 Key Terms

  • Arctic circle
  • Barycenter
  • Chasmata
  • Cryovolcano
  • Dwarf planet
  • Glacier
  • Haze
  • Insolation
  • Kuiper Belt
  • Moraine
  • Montes
  • Penitentes
  • Solid state convection
  • Sublimation
  • Tholins

Additional Readings

  • Olkin, C.B., et al., 2017, The Pluto system after the New Horizons flyby: Nature Astronomy, v. 1, p. 663-670.
  • Stern, S.A., et al., 2018, The Pluto system after New Horizons: Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.56, p. 357-392.

© 2020 Eric H. Christiansen and Braxton Spilker - All rights reserved